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Fluoride toothpaste 2800 ppm

Fluoride toothpaste 2800 ppm

Sodium Fluoride Toothpaste, 0.619% (2800 ppm)

Send: 75 ml

Label: Brush teeth for 1 minute after meals using 1 cm, before spitting out, twice daily

Sodium Fluoride Toothpaste, 0.619% (2800 ppm)

<10 years

Not indicated for use because of risk of swallowing and possible poisoning

≥10 years

As for adults

For adults:

Sodium Fluoride Toothpaste, 0.619% (2800 ppm)

Send: 75 ml

Label: Brush teeth for 1 minute after meals using 1 cm, before spitting out, twice daily

For children:

Sodium Fluoride Toothpaste, 0.619% (2800 ppm)

<10 years

Not indicated for use because of risk of swallowing and possible poisoning

≥10 years

As for adults