
Details of updates to the guidance will be noted here, including those resulting from changes in the BNF or BNFC.

Date Guidance update
3 June 2024

Guidance updated to reflect BNF 87 and BNFC 2023-24.

Changes are:

  • BioXtra Gel - preparation removed as no longer listed in BNF
  • Doxycyline - change of duration for treatment of sinusitis from 7 days to 5 days
  • Loratidine - update to child age/weight dosing information
  • Paracetamol - update to presentation of child age ranges
8 April 2024

Miconzaole cream - tube size amended from 20 g to 30 g

9 November 2023

Ephedrine Nasal Drops, 0.5% - preparation removed as no longer available to prescribe.